Hey Beautiful People

Let’s fast forward a few years… Almost like back to the future ( without the car )

So here I am rediscovered and living my best life.

Since finishing school, I followed a career in EMS, which took its toll and adding a bunch of ghost to the existing one’s.

Rediscovering my love for arts and music along the way I discovered make-up. I complete a course in Make-up Artistry and now what the world calls a professional make-up artist.

Do I know how to grownup, not really. Do I care? not really! Although I have the ability to express myself better by make-up and art. I feel that some where along the line there needs to be a balance, don’t you think?

I ask myself everyday, watching what happens on the inter-web and what people does to others and animals, are we just emotionless creations or is there a  reason why we are here and need to be here.

Other days I ask myself do I really have to put pants on and be a grown up, can’t I just take a colouring book with crayons!

Point is. I don’t know what I am doing, don’t think I will ever know.

BUT that being said I am doing the best I can.

I am going to be posting more. Telling more stories and soon I will be doing my own make-up blog

stay tuned 😀




Right, what is art?

So Since I can remember I have had an emotional connection to music and art.

Music has always been my emotional outlet. Since then I have discovered cameras and the world became my canvas.

This made me think… Can we not give young kids and young adults with problems the same outlet  like stuff a camera or  guitar in their hand and say use it like you like. It might became their new weapon… Who knows.

Guess the answers to the problem is not so easy as a high kiddy with a guitar. But a girl can dream2015_03_11_08412..

Long nights and shitty music

You know it has been a strange day when you reach the part of youtube where the instrumentals are longer than the vocals and some weird flute music is next in the mix..

I am one that stays up late and do not sleep for a few days( that in facted is normal for me) 

On days like these I seek the aid of a very emotional media. music. It speaks a million words just in the intro and it makes you think. 

I have came across some weird and wonderful music in my years of browsing the wonderful world wide web. I am amazed how there is so many artists that has not been discovered. The most amazing music that has been composed and set up with pure talent and passion.  In this world of free expression and well the internet. My question is how?

Is teenagers and kiddies of today caught up in era of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus? A era when there is three lyrics in a song and that gets repeated and repeated to where you want to kill the radio and speakers? Do they know queen? Do they know guns and roses? Do they know cher? Do they know any of the prime era of music? Do they care?

Does any of us care? 

Younger generations are caught up in a era where they are zombies of the”free age”. Zombies of the “celeb age” zombies of what they are fed by the media. They are underway to becaming the most wanted Zombie Apocalypse…

Think about it???

And this is not to mention the other shitty stuff you are to find on your night strolls of the world wide web

Maverick, a short story.

The meaning of Maverick: an unorthodox or independent-minded person.

And so the story goes: A little girl wishes for something to fill the gap in her own heart, to be the bright light in the dark tunnel, a love with no strings attached.

The girl has bugged and bugged her parents for a pet, a specific breed. They feared this, for what this breed could became, for what the breed could do when it turns. Their fear always caused the answer to be no.

The girl grow older and pets came and some went away but never the one. The family went to a gathering with friends and so be it they had one of these. The little bundle of fear on the ground lay still. Deep in slumber. The girls love was once again awakened, on final time she told herself maybe they will listen. So be it Mother said. Night came and it was day again. They went to fetch the new ball of fur. The Mother said let’s bring it home with a bell around the neck. Loki god of mischief, a fitting name given by the birth mothers owner, yet the girl wanted her own name. It took a few minutes but with the little sparkle in this black ball, Loki became Maverick.

Every chance Maverick got to wreak havoc, he did. Chewing shoes, eating and stealing his owner’s food. Playing the Jack Russell’s to death and annoying the old wrinkled Shar-pei. This rant was no normal rant, he was special and something made him different. Born without the markings he stayed in the darkness but provided so much love and pleasure to his masters.

The small ball of fur became a huge ball of black fur. Mother and Father has forgotten about their fear as they see it is not the breed but the matter in which they are led that makes or breaks them. The girl, with each day that passes, falls deeper in love with her ‘child’. He is hers, nobody dares and touch her child and nobody dares and touch his mother. Walking was a unique sight as Maverick took the lead and walks with the girl not the other way around. Jumping at each chance, just to show off.

He stands proud, ready. Ready to jump. Ready to protect as the danger comes straight at him. No fear in his eyes, no fear in his body. His objective only to protect the girl. A genius and not ashamed to show that off to everybody.

The girl found what she was looking for… She found love that fills the gap.

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Little story on how a rant of a litter became the love of my life. Maverick is a year old Rottweiler, that doesn’t look the part. He was born with a mutation in his DNA that causes him to be all black. Not even a speckle of brown anywhere. So this just come to show that the rant can be the shining star.

-If this means loving a 60Kg Rottweiler that follows you around, jumps and sit on you because you are his, barks at anything that moves, tries and eat your loyal jack Russell’s and then looks at you with puppy dog eyes just to say it wasn’t me.. Also a very angry looking dog when needed. OH don’t forget the slobbering kisses and the random I am now bumping into you because I can… Then I really don’t mind. Dogs and all animals teaches us (what most people need) how to love all people as you love yourself (or more than yourself for that matter- just food for thought)- something I told somebody that came up with the idea that Rottweiler’s are killers and not pets.

For The Inquisition.

Amazing game play that sucks you into the world of dragons, rifts and the fade. If you are a Dragon Age fan and loves RPG’s this game is for you. The story line is insane,( to give you an idea you start of by popping out of the fade and somehow you are responsible for killing everybody.Riiiight How did this happen? Well that is what you are going to find out )

The amount of time and dedication that goes into this game from the players side is insane. You don’t simply run in and clock the game. This is about dedication to a RPG, developing your character, developing your story and building a Inquisition that can stand against any demon army. Bioware never leaves out the romance, you have a choice of up to 8 characters you can romance, each with its own special feel to it.

The Easter Eggs in the game makes it some much more special and amazing. On my journey through Thedas I have discovered  a few and I continue to do so.

DA Inquisition is a sit down game that can’t you quickly clock and go out. You sit and discover and enjoy the journey, and what a journey it is.